Ransom for Many (Lent 30, 2023)

If a recent look at the comments to Franklin Graham’s post on Twitter are any indication, Satan (who wants as many traveling buddies to hell as he can get) …well, he’s going to have plenty of company.  People seriously, arrogantly, and loudly proclaiming that they think that hell is going to be better than heaven … if earthly “Christians like Franklin Graham” are heaven-bound. 

Wow. If only they knew how much they’ve diminished both heaven and hell by that assumption.  Imperfect people from earth will be headed to both eternal destinations, but only the ones in heaven will have been forgiven as Image-bearers … and that’s only because Jesus had the mindset of serving.

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

Furthermore, every Twitter tweeter is imperfect, but they miss this important point: imperfect Christians on earth will be transformed to perfection in that day because Jesus was the ransom for many. 

1Thessalonians 5:9 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.

Many Image-bearers will be ransomed, but sadly and importantly, not all.
Therefore, think about it: 
Hell—and only Hell—will be the eternal abode of the forever imperfect.

Focus for Lent: Gratitude for Jesus’ paying the price for our sin. Repent and believe this Good News.

Questions for further thought:

If Christians are as bad as these Twitter tweeters claim, why won’t they be in hell?  There are two answers here.  (1)  First, how about that amazing grace of God in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ?  And (2) if they’re not as bad as tweeters’ claims, what does that say about the Twitter tweeters and their presumptions, prejudices, and predictions?

Repeat after me: Hell is not an eternal dance party with salsa music.  Hell is not an eternal dance party with salsa music… 

What makes people think hell is not so bad?

Prayer: Lord God, please forgive us for believing any delusions our adversary hints about hell. On the affirmative, help us to teach Hell exactly as You portray it in Scripture.  Forgive us for thinking that imperfect people should be enough to keep us from the greatest gift You could ever give: Your Son Jesus Christ.  He paid the highest price to give us eternal life with You, not because You play favorites or we’re anything special, but because You are gracious.  Remind us that Your Image in humanity sets us apart within Your Creation. We, having been created for Your glory, will see Your love magnified, over again, as part of this beautiful Image in us.  We praise You that we are wonderfully made and lovingly redeemed. Amen.


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