Sabbath 5, Lent 2024
This year’s Lent Devotional Series “Seeing His Love with New Eyes” resumes tomorrow after today’s Sabbath rest to meditate and worship. Today, reflect on the great mercy of God shown in His love for us!
This year’s Lent Devotional Series “Seeing His Love with New Eyes” resumes tomorrow after today’s Sabbath rest to meditate and worship. Today, reflect on the great mercy of God shown in His love for us!
God may be angry at sin, but He is Love and desires every human to be saved if only they’ll willingly cross over from death to life. He has done everything necessary for us to freely make that journey of faith. If God’s pure and selfless love is itself pure life, but sin’s selfishness leads […]
Fire and brimstone preaching at its most classic form is found in “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” a sermon written in 1741 by renowned theologian Jonathan Edwards during the First Great Awakening. There are modern people who hate the idea that God is angry at sin. A while back, prolific women’s ministry […]
Food, shelter, clothing, social connections, health care, education, cell phones, TVs, a car, and air conditioning. These are among the things listed in a search of Americans living in poverty and what they can yet access. There are presently about 11.4% of American households falling into this category. As important as these things are, our […]
Frankly, none of us have experienced unconditional non-condemning love in our lives apart from God. Even the best parents, spouse of the year, or Hallmark family can’t perform to the level of unconditional love, all the time. But God can. Loving people is hard work. We’re a pretty unlovable lot. Motivated by self-interest and agenda, […]
There is nothing in this world more healing to the soul than being fully known—for all your sins, flaws, mistakes, bad judgments, poor decisions, lifestyle choices, the deepest, darkest secrets that you don’t want anyone to know—and yet amazingly, to be fully loved with infinite, unconditional love because God created you in His Image. The […]
It’s such a beautiful thing! Though we were thoroughly condemnable on account of sin, and God has full power to condemn us, He does not. Instead, He made a way for the two facets of His own love to be displayed simultaneously without conflict. Justice meets mercy. For the wages of sin is death, but […]
This year’s Lent Devotional Series “Seeing His Love with New Eyes” resumes tomorrow after today’s Sabbath rest to meditate and worship. Today, reflect on the faithfulness and certainty of God’s love.
Jesus had no problem acknowledging His Father’s love for Him and us. John 17:22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one– 23 I in them and you in me– so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know […]
Jesus states the reason the Father loves Him. It’s because He lays down His life in obedience to God’s command. “The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life– only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I […]