God Sees Everything-3 Words of Caution

When my son was young, I was a carpooling mother who thought she had convinced the kids that his mother had eyes in the back of her head.  Pop my bubble, one day a friend of his shouted from right behind me, “Hey, I’m talking to you!”  I don’t see everything and I guess I don’t even hear everything.  But God does.  God sees everything and that ought to be a word of caution to us.  Actually, 3 words of caution in our Three Words for Day-to-Day Christian Living.

It’s often said that a definition of integrity is ‘what you do when nobody is watching.'” 

Integrity is fast becoming a lost code of conduct. 
Way too many people think they’re able to get away with things done in secret, but there’s one thing they’re forgetting: God sees everything. 
And He doesn’t even need the light on to do it.

He sees every aspect of our lives, those things public and those things that are secret, the things we do for show, and the things we do in a vain effort to impress Him. (Matthew 6:1-18)  He sees all the good things people do and records those deeds in the Book of Life.  He sees all the tears we cry and the restless nights of stress and anxiety and sets a reward in heaven for those who overcome, doing right because it’s the right thing to do.  He sees all the times we fail when life presents us with an opportunity to do what’s right but the pressures arrayed against us keep us silent or put our backs against the wall to say the “little white lie” and take one for the team or just to save face.

And then, of course, there are the evil deeds that God sees which mankind commits in the dark of night, thinking that they’ll get away with something.  The more godless our nation and our world become, the less integrity people seem to have.  The Letter to the Romans describes a downward spiral of sin.  God sees everything and Scripture reminds us that God will not be mocked.

I’m thankful that God does not turn a blind eye to evil.  As a true God of love, mercy and justice, God sees everything, both good and bad that we do. And the beautiful heart of God displayed on the Cross. It’s there that we see the ultimate in love and mercy as the God who sees everything engraved His invitation in the blood of Christ, and in His justice paid the price Himself so that any of us among mankind might be able to come, repent, and find forgiveness in Christ Jesus.

Your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:18 )


This “three word” series is archived beginning July 22, 2017.  

Categories Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on September 9, 2017

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