God Never Tires: 3 Words to Amaze

Can you imagine never being tired?  I can’t.  I’m tired quite often and the older I get, the more easily tired I seem to feel.  The concept that God Never Tires actually amazes me.  He does all this work 24/7, 365 days a year, eternally… never retires or takes a vacation and never gets fatigued.  And He never tires of working!  Yikes, I can’t even nap because the minute I try, I think, “Barbara, you lazy bum, have you forgotten that you need to do this, that or the other things?”  God Never Tires.  Just think about it!

God Never Tires of loving us.  He never gets fed up with our shortcomings and failures.  He never gets bored with our prayers no matter how many times we’ve said them.  He never nods off when we’re running on the same old hamster wheel of ideas, or worse, complaining.  He never rolls His eyes when we just don’t get it.  He never throws up His hands in frustration at us or decides we’re just so-not-worth-this.

Always loving, always patient, always present, always working, always advocating, always caring, always ready and willing, always preparing for our next moves, always shepherding, always encouraging, always guiding, always informing, always comforting, always holding the entire universe in place, and always knowing the most intimate thoughts of our weary hearts.

As you re-read that list and come up with your own, consider among the Three Words for Day-to-Day Christian Living what an absolutely amazing God we serve!  God never tires.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. (Isaiah 40:28)


This “three word” series for Day-to-Day Christian Living is archived beginning July 22, 2017. 

Categories Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on August 16, 2017

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