Witness, Stand!

Witness, Stand!  This is what Christians are supposed to do.  This message was first given by Barbara Shafer at Plymouth Congregational Church of Racine, WI on August 17, 2014.  The sermon text is from Acts 1:8. Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my […]

August 19, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Racine Revival Prayer–Week 2

Thank You, Father, that You comfort us and have not left us alone, face-down and despairing, in the ruts of life.  We ask Your forgiveness for the ways we have embraced old tapes instead of listening to You.  Forgive us for readily listening to the world or to the evil one or anything else that […]

August 16, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Ruts, Old Tapes, and End Times (text version)

Ruts, Old Tapes, and End Times  This is the sermon text version of the message first preached at Plymouth Congregational Church of Racine on August 10, 2014 Have you ever had the experience of trying to remember something and an answer comes to mind that is close-but-no-cigar and suddenly that’s the only answer you can […]

August 15, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Ruts, Old Tapes, and End Times

Ruts, Old Tapes, and End Times represent 3 dangers, trip hazards, or pitfalls to the growth of the Church.  This message was first given by Barbara Shafer at Plymouth Congregational Church of Racine, WI on August 10, 2014.  The sermon text is from Acts 1:6-7. Acts 1:6 So when they met together, they asked him, […]

August 12, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Racine Revival Prayer–Week 1

This is our weekly Revival Prayer (week 1). Lord, we honor You as God—as the One who is the First and the Last, the Living One; You were dead, and now You are alive for ever and ever! You hold the keys of death and Hades. You are the Head of the Church, your bride.  […]

August 12, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Worth Waiting For (sermon text version)

Ours is not a culture that likes to wait.  For anything really.  We aren’t satisfied with 3-5 days of mailing time for bills so we do online payments.  Letters?  A thing of the past.  Email—for better and oftentimes for worse—is instant.  We aren’t satisfied with the old stove-top Jiffy Pop that takes 3-5 minutes of […]

August 12, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Worth Waiting For (Message on Acts 1:1-5)

“Worth Waiting For” is a message based on Acts 1:1-5 Acts 1:1 In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach 2 until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. 3 After his […]

August 4, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Acts of the Holy Spirit and Apostles

Beginning August 3, 2014, I am launching a new sermon series entitled “Acts of the Holy Spirit and the Apostles.”  These sermons will be given at Plymouth Congregational Church in Racine, WI on Sundays at 10:30 am.  I will be posting the sermons on SeminaryGal.com as well as on Plymouth Church’s website (presently under construction). […]

August 2, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by


Revival in Racine

Every once in a while I go missing in action and don’t write some posts for a while.  It’s not always bad–in fact, it’s usually the opposite.  Sometimes, it’s entering into an extended season of prayer (which is always good!) or needing to recharge after a devotional series in order to be filled by God’s […]

July 17, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by

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The Prayer God Always Answers

The Prayer God Always Answers Message preached by Barbara Shafer at Advocate Condell Medical Center on June 29, 2014 There’s a prayer that God always hears and God always answers.  Did you know that? In a hospital context, it’s always tricky to talk about how God answers prayers and whether He does or not.  Sometimes […]

July 1, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by