Fresh in Their Minds (Lent 2, 2025)

That same day (Resurrection Sunday), we’re told that these two men (identified as “two of them” … that is, disciples) were walking home.  It’d been a busy day full of mysterious and odd occurrences, the kind you won’t easily forget.  Even in the midst of their sadness, they seemed to know it was the kind of day destined for history books. 

As they walked, they started by remembering aloud what had transpired even up to that morning.  It was fresh in their minds, raw in their emotions.  They were no doubt processing the promises God had made and finding no answers. 

How many people might have been walking home that evening, we are never told.  But there was something in the discussion that these two travelers were having which attracted Jesus’ special attention.

Principle: Oral tradition requires accurate witnesses.

Questions for further thought:
What are the advantages in discussing matters while they are still fresh in your mind?
With writing instruments uncommon and parchment expensive, how might rehearsing the events cement the order and accuracy?  Particularly with two of them, a biblical requirement of witness testimony?
How did Gentile Luke know their story?  He wasn’t there. Mark (16:12-13) also tells their story, albeit more briefly, and in a “disputed” passage not present in some of the earliest manuscripts.

Prayer:    Lord Jesus, help us to remember all You have done by opening the Scriptures to us. Help us to know the value of remembering and the importance of oral tradition/ storytelling to spread Your truth and fix it in our minds.  Open our minds, teach us Your ways, and anchor our souls in the Truth. Amen.


Lent began March 5, 2025, and will continue until Resurrection Sunday, Easter (April 20, 2025). I hope you’ll join me and be prepared to have your eyes opened. I know mine have been in writing this series, “The Way it Had to Be.”

The author gratefully acknowledges Grok XI for assisting with this year’s pictures.
Technology can be amazing.

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Categories Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on March 6, 2025

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