In Order to Understand (Lent 3, 2025)

Processing difficult things often requires talking things through. 

What do you do when you don’t understand something?  For many of us, the first thing we do is “Google It” on whatever search engine is your favorite.  Sometimes, we’ll ask people who are experts, seek advice from friends who’ve been on this path before us, or just talk it over with someone close to us.

These two men from Emmaus were no different.  They’d just experienced a Passover like no other.  There was the usual meal and tradition, but layered over that, and indeed dominating it was the current political reality.  Jesus was crucified, dead, buried, and then missing.  They talked it through.  It had to be this way, but they didn’t understand.

Principle: Biblical witness requires two with understanding.

Questions for further thought:

When you exit a movie or a concert or a lecture or even a worship service, what do you often talk about with the person who accompanied you?
Why do you do that? What value is there in what another person thinks?
Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.”  Even if we’re not talking about plans, how does talking through things help?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for giving us community, a group of diverse, yet similar people whose views can help us to understand more clearly.  Grant that we would not be isolated in our daily lives but value the insights of others knowing that Your Word tells us that it is not good for us to be alone.  Thank You, for companionship, for sharing our burdens, and for Your yoke which is light and easy, and by accepting it, in keeping with Your promise, You will give us rest.  Amen.


Lent began March 5, 2025, and will continue until Resurrection Sunday, Easter (April 20, 2025). I hope you’ll join me and be prepared to have your eyes opened. I know mine have been in writing this series, “The Way it Had to Be.”

The author gratefully acknowledges Grok XI for assisting with this year’s pictures.
Technology can be amazing.

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Categories Articles and Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on March 7, 2025

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