Epiphany: Revelation to Mankind

Christmas 2020 is over.  But Jesus’ birth wasn’t the beginning or the end.  Jesus existed before all time in the Divine Godhead.  He still exists as the Son of God throughout eternity. 

His birth, however, leads to the pivot point of all human history. 

Sure, there are happy and chipper things about Christmas:  the lights, the gifts, the holiday cookies, and in a normal year for many people, being able to gather with family and friends for something that isn’t the least bit dreary.  For others though, the loneliness at this season is typical and depression an unwelcome but familiar guest. Certainly others know a new kind of pain is new this year as COVID caused us to see what we are now missing. 

In an odd sense, COVID–which sought to steal Christmas–has instead helped to point to the dire need humanity has for rescue.  A Savior.  A Redeemer.  A Leader we can follow without shame or uncertainty. 

In the birth of the Christ Child, the manifestation, the revelation,
the appearance of God in human flesh, this changed everything. 
Jesus prayed to the Father saying,
“I have revealed You to those whom You gave Me out of the world.”
John 17:6

That revelation of Emmanuel (“God with us”) began with Jesus’ birth when the Word was visibly made flesh (John 1:14).  Jesus came to show us who the Father is.  There is His revelation to Jewish shepherds from the hills outside of Bethlehem.  There is revelation to the pagan Magi who came to the house to see the Christ Child (Matthew 2:1-12), commonly commemorated as “Three Kings Day” or Epiphany.  But the revelation didn’t stop there.  Jesus revealed Himself in the Miracle at Cana, at His baptism, and throughout His 3-year ministry.  We’ll look at a few of those moments in the coming days.

Epiphany on the Church calendar is traditionally celebrated as 12 days after Christmas: January 6.

Many people look to 2021 as a ray of hope after a dismal year of COVID and conflict.  In this light of hope there is an enhanced ability to see.  I pray you will see not just a change of calendar month and year, but with this revelation, the Light of the World, and in Him, a Savior who is the Christ the Lord.  I pray you will experience Epiphany and a deeper relationship with God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Categories Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on January 1, 2021

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