Courage, a Virtue of Faith in Action

tiny-virtues-courageAmong the Tiny Virtues for Exemplary Christian Living, we now transition from the heart virtues, the mind virtues and ones in our character to those residing in the human will. These are what I think of as cluster virtues because they touch our hearts and minds, contribute to our character, but they reside in the will. Therefore they have different expressions inward and outward. We will begin our look with fearlessness with the inward expression being courage.

 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

(Deuteronomy 31:6)

Joshua knew more than a little about courage (Exodus 17:9-15). It was one of his defining virtues and yet, he still needed to be reminded to be courageous. Why is that?

What about courage is so elusive?

Courage is an act of the will to stand on an uncertain battlefield … to fight an insidious enemy who often we cannot even see … and to rely upon our God who can only be known by faith to be our protection and to guarantee the outcome.  And to trust that the outcome will be God’s will for our good and His glory even when it may not look like that to us.  It’s faith in action.

Ponder today: what you’re facing that requires courage and if nothing, why not?

Bible character of the day: Joshua

Categories Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on October 1, 2016

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