The Beast from the Abyss-Lent 15, 2022

In the big picture of Revelation so far, we’ve seen that seven churches received letters from God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) as warning and encouragement for the days to come.  Why warning? Ah, those “last days”.  The churches are instructed that those who overcome will inherit various blessings belonging to the righteous in heaven.  Overcoming.  Hold that thought.

Then John is whisked up to the throne room of God to see one of the combatants in the great spiritual battle: God Himself who (spoiler alert) wins.  But who exactly is God triumphing over? 

In the heavenly chess match, God made another move:
two witnesses who preach with power from on high.
But this is no actual chess match. 
It’s war.

Revelation 11:7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them.

Today we have our first introduction to one of the other combatants in the spiritual battle.  John describes it as a beast that comes up from the Abyss. The pit of hell.

Evil personified.

Rather than a pixelated dig into the nuances of who this beast is or speculate who may be or have been the beast in history, let’s let the words of Revelation speak for themselves.  Big picture. He’s evil personified, from the pit of hell and he’s powerful enough to be a real enemy of those who witness.  He attacks.  He overpowers.  And he kills them.

Thought for today:

Digging into the nuances of who this may be…while interesting to speculate… don’t do it. In truth, it serves a very negative purpose and plays into the hands of Satan: It frightens.  Fear is his turf.  Don’t play there.

I do not want you to believe this book of Revelation (and particularly any passage explicitly referencing evil) will be simple, casual reading.  It’s not. 

It’s spiritual and my nightmares for many days writing this particular episode exposed something very important to me:  God wanted me to tell you that words have power to build or destroy.

Fear is a powerful enemy of the Church, of God’s people,
and frankly of people in general.  

How many times in Scripture does God tell His people not to fear?  You may have heard 365, one for every day, but there’s a bit of creative license going on there depending on the translation you use.  Let’s just say, God repeats Himself… a lot… because we need it.

Think back over the past couple years of COVID.  How did fear cause people to do things, think things, close churches, and abandon hope in life that they wouldn’t have done were it not for a pandemic?  A plague giving reason to fear death?

Reading Revelation (even seeing the spiritual battle ahead of us)
should give the Christian hope.  Not fear. 
Hope.  For when all seems lost, it’s not.  God wins this battle and it’s not even close. 
God wins.  Eternal life is real.  And there is hope for you and me.


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Categories Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on March 18, 2022

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