Seeing the Wonder of it All (Advent 13, 2016)
In the movie The Santa Clause, the elf named Judy is having a discussion with Scott Calvin who simply cannot believe that he’s seeing what he’s seeing. Far from believing he’s the new Santa, he thinks he needs a CAT scan. He states emphatically, “I stopped believing in Santa Claus a long time ago.” Then Judy says something that’s very profound. For an elf. “That’s not surprising. Most grown-ups can’t believe in magic. It just… sort of grows out of them.”
Ignore for a moment that she’s talking about magic and instead, consider how children marvel –they experience fullness of wonder —and how the faith of a child is unquestioning at a point beyond the final “Why?” that we adults often ask. Judy, the little elf says, “You’re missing the point…Seeing isn’t believing: believing is seeing. Kids don’t have to see this place to know that it’s here. They just… know.”
Do you see the wonder of it all? Or do you wonder why you aren’t seeing it?
Today reflect on this: When is the last time you marveled in wonder without trying to have it all figured out?
You marveled at God existing before anything had been created!
- You marveled at the vast diversity of creation in the universe and the complexity of each organism and function required to live on this planet.
- You marveled at reproduction for plants and animals and people and what an amazing process that is.
- You marveled at how God went outside the box and became “God with us,” Immanuel, because we were sunk without Him. God became fully man while still being fully God and looking like a Jewish carpenter.
- You marveled at how a baby in a manger was holy, born from a virgin, and never sinned…not even once!
- You marveled at angel choirs and wise men and disciples proclaiming His holiness and a star showing the way.
- You marveled at how all this could happen and yet people crucified Him anyway.
- And it was all by God’s design because He loves us so much!
Join me for Advent 2016 Devotionals called Timeless: the Message of Christmas for All Ages beginning November 27, 2106. Timeless hope, encouragement, grace, peace, and love will be ours as we look into the Word, see the face of our Lord Jesus, and experience restoration in His presence. His goodness and His Gospel are truly Timeless.
Advent began November 27, 2016. If you’re already signed up on my Home Page sidebar to receive posts, you’ll get the Advent devotionals automatically. If you haven’t signed up, today is a great day to do so. Advent and Lenten devotionals remain among my most popular offerings. You don’t want to miss this great way to prepare your heart for the true meaning of Christmas!
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