My Voice is All I Have

I need to do this because it’s important for the truth.
In the end, all I have to offer is my voice.

There are too many Ukrainians dying, too many Russians dying, too many Palestinians dying, too many Israelis dying, too many Arabs dying, too many Muslims dying, too many Christians dying, too many Americans dying, too many blacks dying, too many Hispanics dying, yes, and too many of every people group dying … for the appetite of endless wars.

Every one of those people who died bore the Image of God. Every last one of them.

I care. God cares. Multiple endless wars are profitable only for the ungodly…who worship money and power and not Christ.

Choose wisely who or what you follow.

I choose Christ, first, foremost, and always. I choose love because He is Love. I choose peace because His is the Gospel of peace. The peace of God and peace with God are possible only with Him. My pursuing my life as a peacemaker honors Him. And the rest speaks for itself by a proven 4-year record to attest to its truth…and a chance for those still among the unbelieving world to learn who Christ is.

Whether anyone dies from war or fentanyl or through any number of other atrocities,
it ends the chance to learn about Christ.
The Gospel means nothing to deceased people. Evangelism ends when people die.
It is for the sake of the Gospel and my Savior that I must give peace a chance.

Categories Chapel Worship/News | Tags: | Posted on September 21, 2024

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