My Vision of Your Glory-Lent 9, 2020
Prayer Focus: God’s Glory in Creation

Lord Jesus, help me to see Your glory as it is reflected back to You in Your creation. It’s beautiful that You rested on the seventh day, that space and time for resting was blessed by You, and You called it holy. Your creation will be forever reflecting Your glory back to You. There is still so much good and beautiful in this world even though it must grieve You that it has been marred by human sin. As I admire the night sky filled with stars and a moon seeming to smile from the heavens, and as I shield my eyes from the brilliance of the sun that gives off light and heat even all these years since You created them, I’m filled with wonder at the work of Your hands. Help me to see that there’s beauty in work. Help me also to rest from my work so that I may have space to reflect on all that You have made and all that I can do by Your grace. I’m amazed how You designed mankind that way. You gave human beings minds and hands and You give us strength, innovation, and creativity. Forgive me for the times I take credit for my work as if I had ownership instead of stewardship responsibilities. Forgive me for the times I feel my work is too important or too critical to set it aside to honor Your Sabbath. Give me wisdom to know when to work, and when to rest. May all I do bring glory to You and may I set apart a time and space to rest and reflect on the glory which is Yours alone. In Christ’s Name. Amen.
If you’re already signed up on my Home Page sidebar to receive posts, you’ll get the 2020 Lent Devotionals automatically. Or you can “Like” Seminary Gal on Facebook and they’ll be delivered to your Facebook news feed. If you haven’t signed up, today is a great day to do so. Advent and Lenten devotionals remain among my most popular offerings. You don’t want to miss this encounter with God to prepare your heart for Easter! Understanding that prior years’ devotionals remain popular, you may want to have access to a full series ahead of time:
- Lent 2013 looked at The Letter to the Romans: Paul’s Masterpiece to reclaim foundations of our Christian heritage and began February 13, 2013.
- A very special and ever popular offering was Lent 2014’s Be Still and Know that I AM God which can be obtained through the archives beginning in March 2014.
- Lent 2015 began on February 18, 2015 with a series entitled With Christ in the Upper Room: Final Preparations. We explored what is often called “The Upper Room Discourse” found in John chapters 13-17.
- ReKindle, the Lent 2016 series, began on February 10, 2016 and encouraged us to rekindle our spiritual lives.
- Light: There’s Nothing Like It was the 2017 Lent series and explored this metaphor often used to portray Christ. It is archived beginning March 1, 2017.
- Lent 2018, we explored the questions of Pi and Chi (the Greek letter beginning the word Christos, which means Christ, Messiah, the Anointed One). We asked and answered the questions “Why?” from the movie Life of Pi as we discovered the uniqueness of Jesus Christ in a world of many faiths.
- Lent 2019 gave us a deeper window into Easter “More to the Easter Story” since we miss so much when we rely only on a superficial understanding of the work of Christ. These devotionals are archived beginning March 6, 2019.
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