He Meets Us in Our Sadness (Lent 6, 2025)

Jesus comes upon the two men who are walking on the Road to Emmaus and asked them, “‘What are you discussing together as you walk along?’ They stood still, their faces downcast.” (Luke 24:17)

Stop the presses! they must have thought. Someone is completely out of touch! Bad news travels fast, but this guy must have been under a rock.

Behind one, yes, almost humorously, but not the least bit out of touch. In fact, He knows it more fully than anyone what happened behind that rock. Yet He invites these two men to share their hearts, bringing to Him their disappointments and sorrows, their confusion and worry.

Principle: Jesus wants to minister in the areas of your greatest sadness.

Questions for further thought:

Why do you think they stood still when He asked that?

Jesus was crucified as an enemy of Jewish elites and political Rome.  How might fear have kept them from wanting to state their discussion topic to a stranger?

How does Jesus’ omniscience as the Risen Lord allow Him to ask without invading a confidential, private, and personal pain?


Lord Jesus, thank You for entering our world and opening opportunities for You to meet us in our pain.  Thank You that You can sympathize with us because You suffered and will give comfort that You received from the Father.  Correct our perspectives on pain and suffering in those areas where context is merited, grant us peace in places of confusion and unjust suffering, and in every case, give us grace in persevering.  Help us to know foundationally that You cause all things to work together for the good of those love You and are called according to Your purpose.  Not as some trite Christian cliche, but as truth grounded in the character of our all-wise and loving Father. Give us eyes of faith and great courage in troubling times.  Amen.


Lent began Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025, and will continue until Resurrection Sunday, Easter (April 20, 2025). I hope you’ll join me and be prepared to have your eyes opened. I know mine have been in writing this series, “The Way it Had to Be.”

The author gratefully acknowledges Grok XI for assisting with this year’s pictures.
Technology can be amazing.

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Categories Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on March 11, 2025

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