God is Greater: Is the Vax the Mark of the Beast?
I hear in your voices your genuine concern for your loved ones. A concern that is quite different than one rooted in fear. It is one rooted in genuine love for them. I sense this is a burden many Christians carry. It has taken me a long time to find words to put to this.
People we love have received the vaccine.
People we love are refusing it.
All are professing Christians,
those receiving the jab believing it to be a gift of God
and others concerned about it becoming the mark of the beast.
We do not want Christians to worry, “Oh no! I received the mark of the beast and there’s no hope for me! I made a mistake and believed the science, was worried about dying from COVID and got the jab. I don’t want to go to hell. I didn’t mean to get the mark of the beast!”
Please don’t worry. God knows your heart and GOD IS GREATER! WHAT GOOD NEWS!
So here we have the outcome of closing churches and stripping people of Christian community due to COVID, of watering down theology to be non-offensive for a WOKE culture and dismissing evangelical Christians due to politics, impugning them as “conspiracy theorists” and “science deniers.” Christian vs. Christian. It’s pretty ugly out there.
The bad news is that we have just received global homework on fear vs faith that many people failed. The test is yet to come.
Is the vax the mark of the beast? Probably not the actual mark, but not for the reasons so many Christians are offering. (e.g. It’s not a 666, it’s not on the right hand or forehead, the church hasn’t been raptured yet, we don’t know who the beast is right now but according to a guru’s magic decoder ring, the antichrist is probably the Pope…) AAAIEEEEE. Don’t get me started.
The vaccine is not the unforgivable sin, nor is failure to get it.
It’s a wakeup call to your heart’s loyalties, your willing submission to which authority, your fear threshold, and a call to follow Jesus Who is the only true cure out there when this life ends… which is 100% certain.

Equip yourself with knowledge, especially knowledge of God’s Word. God is greater.
I know the LORD is great, that our Lord is greater than all gods. The LORD does whatever pleases Him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths. He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth; He sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from His storehouses….Your Name, LORD, endures forever, Your renown, LORD, through all generations. For the LORD will vindicate His people and have compassion on His servants. (Psalm 135:5-7, 13-14)
Pray over your loved ones and if they are not people of faith, that’s the real healing needed. For God so loved the world…
Lord Jesus, help! For our loved ones who got the vaccine, we are praying You will stand in the way of any negative side effects. May the hope of believers that it was a gift from God in the form of medical science and their love for You make it true in their lives. You are greater than a vaccine. If You can wake a “sleeping” Tabitha, Jairus’ daughter, a woman’s only son, Lazarus, and cure a woman who had been hemorrhaging for 12 years and a demoniac with a legion, make us rock-solid in knowledge that You are sovereign over the bloodstream of our loved ones to prevent side effects. Give us opportunity to talk about the end times while there is still time, give us words to convey the coming mark of the beast and how we see before us the dangerous pathway carved out by capitulating to fear, and about submission to the government/global powers instead of submitting ourselves to You, O God. Teach us Your Word about submitting to You and resisting the devil who will flee from us, by Your power. Strengthen our resolve to follow You. Help us to stick together in these dark and uncertain times. May we bless You as we fight the good fight, run the course, and finish the race with fullness of faith in the finished work of Your Son Jesus Christ. Give us confidence that no one can snatch us out of Your hand. The good news is that You are greater. We love You, Lord. We love You so much! Amen.
by erika
On November 18, 2021
I’m an adult christian believer w’ both aspergers & a little bit of autism inc, who’s unable 2 recognize god’s voice, presence, answers, signs or even warning signs in general. I can only understand the literal parts of the bible & not even all of that as symbolism, imagry, codes, names, number’s, clues, etc, are 2 difficult 4 me, esp since i can’t read between the lines. Also, although I do know right from wrong, i don’t always when I’m sinning as everything has 2 b written down or listed in full detail. I can only focus on 2 days @ a time (@ most) otherwise my sensory system becomes so overwhelmed 2 the pt of debilitating me 4 up 2 4 days. As such, I’m unable 2 look @ the future or anything related 2 it. As a result of these limitations, i unknowingly took the mark of the beast thru the rt pcr dna (covid test), which does inc. the vax (or should i say gene experiment) which proves that the vax can b taken unknowingly, thereby proving that the bible has been altered from it’s original languages (greek & hebrew) & written by men 2 fit their own agenda’s. This is shown by the numerous versions – some of which have missing passages, changes of words 2 change sentence meanings & alot of contradictions. For example re: the mob (mark of beast) some versions say causeth, others say forced. However, they all say that u will see what it is, & willingly choose to take it, which is not the case w’ me. In other words, it was done thru deception (god’s grt delusion) as the mark was snuck in there on purpose. The cdc has made it so the vaxx makers don’t have 2 say what’s really in the vaxx cuz they don’t want 2 have 2 deal w’ the vaxx injuries which they know will happen. So, it was done by uninformed consent & was forced on me, as the vaxx was snuck inside the test itself & was done 2 me w’out my knowledge or consent. Now, I will list what the vax really does contain (there may b more or I may b missing something, but this is the gist of it). 1st, it changes ur dna thru a process called transhumanism. Initially, transhumanism = chimera, cyborg, artificial intelligence. So, if u have the test done once (the rt pcr dna test) it gives u the mark in full, but since the vaxx from the shots used now (covid shots) it takes 3 2 get the full mark. The first turns u into a chimera, the second, a cyborg & finally u turn into artificial intelligence (ai). So, u’r literally turned from a hybrid, 2 a nephelum, 2 a fallen angel (or demon). It literally destroys god’s given image & as u know, Jesus Christ only died on the cross 4 humans, so that in itself is irreparable. It also magnitzes u – there r video’s of people who had the test or shot w’ magnets, silverware, or anything that is magnitized (u can even light up a bulb) & this is so u can b attatched 2 the ‘beast ‘ computer that will b turned on once the 5g is in place (this is one reason y people who have been vaccinated feel sick/sicker in areas w’ 5g & it’s what’s been done in china). Initially, this is a bio-weapon (depopulation weapon) that was made in a lab in both china & in the us. It has the quantum dot, which is activated by the lucerferous or the vax itself ( it has something 2 do w’ like how a firefly lights up) & can be seen under an infered or black light. It also includes micro chips ( I don’t know what goes w’ what, but they do include the image of the beast, the number or name of a man & the buy/sell deal). There are also micro needles which r used to inject u w’ more toxic vaxxes. It also includes mind/mood control, & they can track u & they can even kill u if/when they choose. It also kills ur god gene, so that u turn away from god, but luckily it did the opposite 2 me as not only do I feel the spirit more often, but @ a grtr intensity. It also contains a digital id as well as an invisible ink tattoo. It’s also very toxic as it has graphene oxide & other toxic ingrediants, as well as aborted fetus’s, animal parts, etc. Initially, the beast is u & the temple is inside u, the false prophet is bill gates – who admits that it is the mark, as well as the pope & the united nations. So initially, there’s not a temple that’s gonna be built – this is just another lie of satan, who’s the anti-christ if this scenareo proves to be true. Anyway, that’s how u would worship the beast. Also, the vax used in the pcr test is not the same as the vaxx made in the us – it’s a stronger version of the vaxx that had come from china). I had the test done in 2019 & the vaxxes weren’t out, but they r a form of the vax (or should i say medicine kit since the kits were first labeled as such. However, once they arrived in the us from the wuhan labs in china, they were re-labeled as test kits). Anyway, I was not gonna get the test or vax, cuz I didn’t c y a hlthy person should b tested just 2 c if u were sick (this included the jabs as well (when I say jab, I mean shot). However , a tad over 2 yrs ago ( near the end of the yr 2019, right b4 the jabs came out, I had 2 go 2 the er 4 what turned out 2 b an inner bleed (gastritis) in which I had lost 3 units of blood in 2 hrs after admission (plus 1 more the next day) & the test was required 4 admission. As I had felt warning signs or anything, I felt pressured/forced 2 take it, not knowing what it was. Since then, there’s been more talk of the jab being the mark than the test & the test is even more dangerous as it can not only inject u, but kill u on the spot. Finally, I need 2 describe what the test looked like as this was not a regular swab test (cotton tip) that is normally used (they actually don’t show images of what the test really looks like). Initially, it includes 2 pieces – 1 being a literal 6′ inch wand or stick w’ a ball on the top that has bristles (where the chips & other contents are hidden). The 2nd part looks like a tongue depressor & when used together, they look like a pair of tongs & r both used 2 insert microchips. As an aspie, I’m much more sensitive to everything, so I literally felt the chips being inserted. The piece that looked like a tongue depresser put a chip somewhere in or near my throat & the wand in my frontal lobe or forehead. Initially, the wand went far up in my nose & to the base or bridge of my brain so the chip or chips could travel on up to my forehead. After the test, I got a major headache that lasted a long time & I still get them occassionally & it was rare 4 me 2 even get headaches b4 this – or @ lst as bad & as long lasting. Anyway, I finally looked up info abt the test (using the exact name of the test – rt pcr dna test) after I was discharged as a result of how/what I’d felt/experienced & that’s when I learned what it was. I know u may not believe these things 2 b the mark so if that’s the case, plz answer hypothetically, otherwise do so based off the info I gave. Now, this is my question — Can I still b saved since this was a result of my aspergers & that it was not directly a choice I made, but 1 made for me? There’s 1 more thing i thing i need 2 add – Initially, those that take the mark will die in 5 yrs from now, if not before, as it depends on the person’s hlth. As the vaxx came from china, it already had all the parts, but the parts r still being produced here in the us. Initially, covid is a scam as shown by autopsies done from other countries which show that covid really is a bunch of blood clots in ur brain which is proven by a d-dimer test. This only shows that this is a part of the nwo (new world order & depopulation is one of the 10 commandments of satan as found on the Georgia Guidestones (if u don’t believe me, look it up). Masks don’t work for viruses – it even says so on the pkg. Initially, they only make u sicker. That’s why you are required to wear the masks handed out 2 u when u enter a medical facility – they (along w’ the cotton swabs that r being used) r tainted w’ nano-particles which r used 2 make u sick. So, medical facilities are knowingly or unknowingly involved – as i’m sure u know, alot of medical staff (dr’s & nurses) are quitting their jobs cuz the vaxx is being/or has been mandated in their medical facilities. That’s cuz they know of the dangers of the vaxx. They arn’t telling the truth abt what the vaxx is or what it does cuz they have been threatened thru bribes, blackmail or threats of death. Initially, the hippocratic oath no longer applies, as they only care abt themselves…so, can i still b saved since it was a result of my limitations???
by seminarygal
On November 20, 2021
Yes, I’ve sent my reply to your email as you requested. Jesus tells us not to worry. He’s overcome the world and nothing can separate us from the love of God.
Not even a vax. Be blessed my friend.