Advent 8 (2103): Four Simple Words that Changed History

FOUR SIMPLE WORDSFour simple words that changed history: The Word became flesh.

The Incarnation is a miracle without a doubt.  Not only for the mystery of how it happened, but also the results.

  • Without the Incarnation, there would be no redemption.
  • Without the Incarnation, there would be no heavenly hope for us or eternal life.
  • Without the Incarnation, there would be no peace with God.
  • Without the Incarnation, there would be only best human efforts that come up short.
  • Without the Incarnation, death would still have victory as the final word in anyone’s life.
  • Without the Incarnation, the grave would laugh each time death swallows another victim whole.
  • Without the Incarnation, fear would rule.  Fear of death.  Fear of the future.  Fear of the unknown.


To the atheists who put up a sign in Times Square asking “Who needs Christ at Christmas?” and then crosses out Christ  and answers the question with “Nobody,” the picture describing a world without the Incarnation is their reality.  No redemption.  No hope.  No peace.  No effort is good enough.  No victory over death.  No life after death.  No security in life, in death, in the present, for the future or in the past.  No confidence in what one knows.  Victims of nature.  Victims of their born to dying bodies.  Victims of minds that are too small to absorb how Four Simple Words changed everything: The Word Became Flesh!

Categories Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on December 8, 2013

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