ARCHIVE July, 2024


The wrath of God is coming.  It’s only a matter of time now.  One needs only to look at the opening ceremony of the Olympics to understand we’re in trouble.  You see perverted people, giddy with their sinful display, mocking their Maker, and flaunting their sin for the entire world to see.  Worse, they’re living […]

July 30, 2024 in Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals by

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Newsworthy No More?

Since I last wrote during Passover, there were campus protests on the grounds of many major universities.  Commencement traditions have been canceled, scaled back, and held with heightened security.  There are now students who have been encouraged to flee for their safety or offered virtual learning. Some are demanding refunds of their tuition or alumni are […]

July 7, 2024 in Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals by

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