My Vision of Jerusalem- Lent 35, 2020

Prayer Focus: Old Jerusalem, New Jerusalem

Lord Jesus, Scripture doesn’t record Your weeping often. You wept over the pain Lazarus’ death left in its wake. And You wept over Jerusalem, Lord, they were so blind to the peace You were bringing! Lord God, as we’ve been warned that death hangs heavy in coming days due to this virus, I pray that Your peace would hover over us and protect Your people. I pray that those who do not know You would seek Your face and find comfort and eternal peace with You. Remove the blinders off the eyes of Old Jerusalem, I ask Lord, that Your salvation would be made manifest among the chosen people of Your heritage on earth. May I never forget that salvation is from the Jews and that You, Lord, came to fulfill the Scriptures given to the Jews over the many years through Moses and the prophets. May I never neglect the olive tree into which I’ve been grafted as a wild branch. May the time of arousing the consciousness of the Jews of our day come upon us swiftly and the New Jerusalem You have promised come to fulfillment as You are faithful to what You have promised and fulfill every last word of Scripture. Help me to fight against hatred of certain racial and ethnic groups knowing that the New Jerusalem will have many tribes and nations and tongues. Help me to have an open heart toward those Jews still waiting for their Messiah, having expectations layered over what Your word says, expectations that cloud their thinking. Lord, I’m watching and waiting for the full number to be redeemed and Your imminent return. I believe in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I believe in Your bride, the Church who You will return to claim. I believe in Your power. I believe in Your deep historic love for Israel and that Your love for Gentile peoples then and now has never been diminished because of it. Thank You that God so loved the world. Thank You for the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ, willingly He laid down His life to pay for human sin though He had no sin of His own. We praise You and glorify You and look forward to the New Jerusalem. In Christ alone. Amen.


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Categories Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on April 6, 2020

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