Happy Independence Day 2018!
Happy Independence Day to all my American friends and readers! I know it’s not a religious holiday, but I celebrate it with a full heart. I have a heart full of gratitude that God chose to give our founding fathers such great wisdom in drafting a Declaration of Independence. I am grateful for the bravery of those before us who fought a bloody war in which many young men lost their lives in a cause greater than themselves, to birth freedom anew in this nation. And I’m grateful that God blessed everyone in this nation with an ability to worship freely, according to our beliefs.
I am grateful for this nation and I am mindful that we are but one among many nations on this earth. While I don’t understand God’s ways and His plan for each individual nation and their inhabitants, I do believe He’s sovereign over them all.
All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the LORD and he rules over the nations. Psalm 22: 27-28
What’s my response on this Independence Day? Gratitude.
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