Essential as Created
What do COVID-19, Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s recent passing, and President Trump’s being admitted to Walter Reed “out of an abundance of caution” have in common?
They all point to one plank in the theology I hold dear.
It’s summed up in Isaiah 5:5-9.

“I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me, so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting people may know there is none besides me. I am the LORD, and there is no other.
I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things. “You heavens above, rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness flourish with it; I, the LORD, have created it.”
What if COVID-19 and all this mask-wearing is to remind us that God allows human beings creative expression because we’re made in His Image? But what if He is exposing how those with arrogant and evil intent can misuse that blessing (and from God’s basic building blocks of goodness) to manufacture the worst humanity can design?
Has God lost control? Absolutely NOT! What if God’s purpose is to punish those who reject Him, as the Chinese Communist Party clearly refuses to acknowledge Him? What if this is aligning many nations against the Communists in China so they will reap what they have sown?
What if all this mask-wearing is pointing out a distinction between humanity and the rest of the animal world because for the sake of our health, we would cover over one genuinely unique feature of those made in God’s Image? That feature is a smile. No other animal genuinely smiles or cries with tears of grief or joy. Only Image-bearers do that.
Furthermore, masks cover over the non-verbal feedback required for genuine relationship. Social distancing limits our ability to feel community. Gatherings, fellowship, and physical touch were hallmarks of Jesus’ ministry. For us, the handshake of friendship, hug of support, and a steadying hand…they’re more than missing as casualties of COVID. Their absence destroys community. Social distancing is disastrous for normal social behavior for God’s people. If it goes on much longer, we will feel its ripple effects in our social well-being generations to come, painfully evident in our youth who are growing up with this. The Church must work hard to reclaim community because our humanity is best seen in our diverse bearing of our common Creator’s Image.
The passing of RBG tells a similar story to the President’s being admitted to Walter Reed. Both are pointing out that human beings are created in God’s Image and that’s why we do not take joy in harm coming to others in life. Yet we also do not elevate any person to the level of a savior or god. There is no other, our God says, and He is the Living One, holding the keys of death and Hades.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg held onto life (which was very good)! She held onto a seat on the Supreme Court hoping to make history (and God proved instead that she is not a god and history is really His Story, not hers).
Let us vow to open our spiritual eyes to see what God is doing in all these things as we pray,
Almighty Father, we praise You that You are God and there is no other, something about which You remind us often! (Isaiah 45:5-46:13) We praise You for Your goodness, Your sovereignty, Your love, Your justice, Your holiness, Your mercy, and Your righteousness. Give us eyes to see what You see. Help us to interpret all worldly events through Your wisdom. Help us to trust in none but You. You are God alone. As we trust in You, give us confidence to stand in this dark hour. We love You, Lord. Through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior Whose evidence of love is all excelling.
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