Voting and the Sit-it-Outers
If you believe the statistics, some US Christians will sit on their hands instead of voting in the upcoming elections. I’ve known a few of these types in my life, their motto is, “Muh principles!” Not wanting to get their hands dirty by participating in such a worldly and political process as voting or soiling […]
Enemies of God
At this point in Revelation, with God’s Church safely off the earth, the nations of Gog and Magog will descend like a cloud upon peaceful Israel (in the Great Battle of Ezekiel 38-39). Israel, it is written, is recovered from war, has been gathered to the mountains of Israel and is living in safety. Time […]
My Voice is All I Have
I need to do this because it’s important for the truth. In the end, all I have to offer is my voice. There are too many Ukrainians dying, too many Russians dying, too many Palestinians dying, too many Israelis dying, too many Arabs dying, too many Muslims dying, too many Christians dying, too many Americans […]
Sign, Sealed, and Delivered
The Church has not replaced the Jews, whom Scripture says will someday look upon the One they have pierced and mourn. Before they are delivered (importantly!) by faith as Paul indicates with grafting back in (Romans 11:17-32), there will be a sign and a seal. Revelation 12:1 “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman […]
The Unbelieving World
On earth, those people remaining (none of whom had been raptured or had their bodies changed) would be those left behind. They also were not in the antichrist’s (beast’s) army that already died and were food for the birds, but were others, maybe fence-sitters or absent from the scene in the rest of the unbelieving […]
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Now, with that uncomfortable topic of Tribulation Martyrs out of the way, we can be consistent in saying all believers (Jew and Gentile heirs together) will no longer be “flesh and blood.” They will not marry. They will not have kids in the Millennium. They all reign with Christ for a thousand years. So, who […]
Mystery Told: We’ll All be Changed
Last time we saw that at the Rapture, bodies of believers from all generations will rise. They will also be changed. “So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable…I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the […]
Are We There Yet? Rapture
No. We are not in the Millennial Kingdom. We’re not even at the Rapture yet. With that out of the way, let’s take a final multi-part look at how Jews and Christians are heirs together…in a way that coheres with Scripture. “This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, […]
Live in the Land
. Now we come to a controversial part of Ezekiel 37, even more than who constitutes the “whole house of Israel.” Ezekiel 37:22 I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel. There will be one king over all of them and they will never again be two nations or […]