Astonished (Lent 8, 2025)

Bad news travels fast, as they say. 
When people have some gossip to tell, they often do. 

I’d add one: it makes us feel empowered and even superior to know information before others do…especially as it relates to bad news.  Sir Francis Bacon is cited as an original source for the common aphorism “Knowledge is power.”

The two men on the Road to Emmaus seem genuinely astonished that Jesus would even ask “What things?”

Principle: Jesus knew far more about the resurrection than they did, but His purpose wasn’t triumphalism.  His purpose was relational.

Questions for further thought:

Is God obligated to tell us the full details when there is something to be gained from getting to know Him incrementally?

Think about the rest of Scripture.  Are there things that have yet to come to pass? 

If God is omniscient, He knows the mysteries of the apocalypse already.  Why might He not tell us everything clearly ahead of time?

Jesus told His disciples time and again that He would be handed over to be crucified.  Why do you think they didn’t know even after having been explicitly told?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, give us ears to hear what You have to say in Your Word and hearts to believe what is written for our good and so we may know You better.  Help us to pay close attention to what we have learned and put it into practice.  For Your glory, Amen.


Lent began Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025, and will continue until Resurrection Sunday, Easter (April 20, 2025). I hope you’ll join me and be prepared to have your eyes opened. I know mine have been in writing this series, “The Way it Had to Be.”

The author gratefully acknowledges Grok XI for assisting with this year’s pictures.
Technology can be amazing.

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Categories Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on March 13, 2025

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