
One needs only to look at the opening ceremony of the Olympics to understand we’re in trouble.  You see perverted people, giddy with their sinful display, mocking their Maker, and flaunting their sin for the entire world to see. 

Worse, they’re living the unforgivable sin of trampling their only hope of salvation under their feet. 

And they’re missing the point of the Last Supper. Every person apart from Jesus at the Last Supper was a sinner who needed Jesus.  All but one accepted that as a fact.  That one denier was Judas, and he was doomed to destruction.

Did no artist stop and say, “You know, this isn’t right?”  Did no one abandon the project on account of their religious principles however faintly present from their upbringing?

France, once home to the Great Enlightenment, is now leading the way into the Great Darkness.  Paris, the City of Lights and the very center of both Reason and Science exalted in the Great Enlightenment is now plunged into darkness that no one attributes to Reason or Science.  It’s sin.  It’s a beast of rebellion on a pedestal.  And God will not be mocked.

Categories Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on July 30, 2024

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