Last week we saw that one of the ways people try to diminish the Gospel and discredit the works of God would be to ridicule it. Today, I wanted to look at the speech Peter gives in response so we can see a really good outline for how to present the Gospel by addressing the […]
October 15, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by seminarygal
Answering the question “Who will be saved?” this message on Acts 2:16-24 was first preached at Plymouth Congregational Church of Racine, WI on October 12, 2014 by Barbara Shafer. Click on this link to listen:
October 14, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by seminarygal
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On Wine and Wonders: A Tale of Two Explanations Have you ever been mocked? Been made fun of? Had someone ridicule something you said? It can be even worse than being outright rejected, yes? It’s worse because rejection says that at least your thought is being taken seriously even if your opponent presents arguments to […]
October 9, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by seminarygal
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This sermon, On Wine & Wonders, was first preached at Plymouth Congregational Church in Racine, WI by Barbara Shafer (10.5.2014). Click link below to hear the message on YouTube.
October 7, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by seminarygal
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Speaking in tongues is one of the most controversial, strange, and misunderstood concepts in the Bible. It has been the source of divisions in the Church, perhaps even more so than ideas surrounding baptism. Its various camps of belief form fierce adversaries whose behavior can seem anything but Spirit-filled by how they treat one another. […]
September 30, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by seminarygal
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“Making Sense of Speaking in Tongues” (a sermon on Acts 2:5-12) was first preached at Plymouth Congregational Church of Racine, WI on September 28, 2014 by Barbara Shafer. Click link below to listen on YouTube.
September 30, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by seminarygal
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Today’s passage of Scripture, describing the coming of the Holy Spirit, is fitting for Rally Sunday and our fall Kick-off. His coming kicked off the entire Church for all time. But it’s also one of my very favorite passages in the Bible. Of course, I didn’t even know it existed 20 years ago when my […]
September 24, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by seminarygal
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This is the audio version of the message entitled “The Holy Spirit Comes” from Acts 2:1-4, first preached at Plymouth Congregational Church of Racine, WI on September 21, 2014. Click the link below to hear the message which includes a testimony of how I (Barbara Shafer, SeminaryGal) came to follow Jesus Christ and why I believe […]
September 23, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by seminarygal
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Let me just start by reminding you, “Don’t open your box until we’re ready!” This is a one-of-a-kind interactive sermon. You may have heard of the Do-it-Yourself Messiah, you may have heard the Little Red Hen say, she’ll do it herself, or maybe you have done home improvements that were do-it-yourself. This isn’t completely a […]
September 19, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by seminarygal
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Completing our numbers is both a quantity of people in the Church as well as a quality of people in the Church. Click the link below to listen to the audio version of Completing Our Numbers, a message first preached at Plymouth Congregational Church of Racine on September 14, 2014.
September 18, 2014 in Chapel Worship/News by seminarygal
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