What is Mankind?

Throughout Lent, I emphasized the point that we are Image-bearers. Each person belonging to the human race is endowed with this Image-bearing. Now because of sin, it’s in broken form–a relic of what once was…in original created perfection.
It was my hope to offer a helpful corrective to the human-centric
“Jesus thinks you’re so special that He died so you can be happy” nonsense
that is peddled by many so-called pastors.
If Jesus died for that, then He’s playing favorites. He’s picking His basketball team and either you’re on it or you’re not, and it depends on you and your abilities or special qualities that Jesus finds endearing or desirable. That makes God self-serving and capricious at best.
But if God so loved the world, that Jesus died for His Image-sake,
then any Image-bearer finds level ground at the foot of the Cross.
It doesn’t matter the family you were born into, any innate abilities, any endearing qualities, good looks, strength, smarts, or anything else. We all start at level ground, standing together in need of forgiveness. And it’s ours if we’ll only repent of our sins to restore relationship with our God and receive this free gift of His grace.
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