No Doomsday Future
The pro-Roe movement wants a choice and if Roe is headed back to the purview of the States, there will be more than one State to let women freely choose. There’s no need for doomsday scenarios, terrible logic, or waving coat hangers wildly at the Supreme Court by young women who are as uninformed as they are afraid because they feel like it’s their right. That freedom isn’t going away anytime soon.
This chart illustrates why.

According to the Guttmacher Institute (which is a friend to abortion, btw), “23 states have laws that could be used to restrict the legal status of abortion” (not eliminate, restrict) and “16 states and the District of Columbia have laws that protect the right to abortion” with four states and DC having no restrictions whatsoever. I’m not sure what they did with other 11 states (including Indiana, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania among others), but we’ll ignore that for the moment and just say you’ve got plenty of choices.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has declared Chicago will be an “oasis” for abortion…an odd term for sure. Oh ye, young women with coat hangers! Have no fear! Come to Chicago or DC or NY or California and you might even get your employer to pay for the travel. Cue “Midnight at the Oasis” so you can get back to work in the morning.
Now, for those in the pro-life movement, it’s not a doomsday scenario if some states still allow abortions. A fifty percent restriction, for example, still saves lives of children whose vulnerability and innocence make them the first victim of abortion.
Every life saved is worth celebrating.
With every life saved and cared for, it destroys the false argument
that pro-life people don’t care about babies after they’re born.
Take care of the first ones and maybe the world will trust you with more.
There have been countless “first victims”—a far cry from the “safe, legal, and rare” mantra that made access easy. But there are other victims too. The ones the pro-Roe advocates can no longer silence in a world of social media.
Stories like this one from Luana tell of the secondary victims and the lives impacted forever by freedom at the expense of life. This photo series appeared on Telegram and yeah, she’s white as are most of the women protesting.

“I had to tell my husband because of bad choices I made
he would never have his own biological children.”
Infertility is real. Now think back to the racially skewed abortion services in our last segment. Pro-Roe architects condition minority women to get rid of their fetuses of color through a procedure that renders many moms infertile.
Take a moment to ponder the ethical problems of racially skewed infertility. Contrast with sterilization, genocide, depopulation. Now look at all those young white women protesting to keep abortion on demand, as easy as Netflix.
Ethnically skewed infertility for another race doesn’t seem so noble, does it?
Luana’s story continues, “Every day I live with the reality that the only children I will ever bear I killed.” She experienced both the painful reality of infertility but also the redemption that is available to every woman who has had an abortion.

If there is one take-home message I want through this study of the New Covenant world and how it speaks to the abortion debate, it’s this: History cannot be undone, but you’re not a slave to your history. There is a freedom that doesn’t also come at the expense of life. And it’s the freedom of finding life in Christ that will result in life elsewhere in a far more effective way than legislation.

“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.. if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:31-36)
Today’s principle: The truth will set you free
and Jesus stands ready
to give you the freedom that is not at the expense of life.
The Series on Roe v. Wade includes:
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