No Consequence Chauvinism of Abortion
Continuing my sidebar of the New Covenant world and the topic of abortion, yes, God gave us life. And yes, God-given freedom is meant to be used to do good.

Sexual freedom may feel like liberation to women who have bought the “have-it-all” assertions of feminism, but in reality, it’s destructive to culture…to the family…and to women.
Contrary to popular belief, abortion does not empower women. It empowers men.
It’s a lie of the highest order and assumes all women are stupid enough to believe Roe v Wade has a woman’s true best interests at heart. I hear young women protesting, decrying the patriarchy and how men in robes will be telling them to give birth. Do they not hear themselves?
Abortion doesn’t liberate anyone but men. It’s a wolf of chauvinism in the fleece of rights that women think they can feel good about. But abortion does not elevate women to the status of men, it brings women down below a man’s status and denies women their higher role as the primary builders and stabilizers of culture.
Women, primarily by virtue of marriage and family, have a unique and powerful contribution to an enduring population and enhancement of culture.
I am particularly grieved by men who support Roe v Wade. Why do they? I’d argue that at its core, you’ll find chauvinism disguised. Dig to the root and maybe it’s: (1) So they can sow wild oats as often as they please and there’s no shotgun marriage to force them to live with the consequences of their actions. (2) They profit from abortion in some way, maybe through research grants on fetal tissue or at big pharma or through having a workforce of women who don’t take time off for family. (3) They think it will score them political points with women when otherwise these men have little in their favor.
I don’t know. Boil it all down and the answers are probably what they always are:
Money, Sex, and Politics.
Sexual freedom only exists in the male form because only men can walk away post-pregnancy. Birth control prevents motherhood, but abortion is used only when motherhood was not prevented. For the woman who chose abortion, make no mistake, there is no true freedom. Deep down, her mind, perhaps even her body, will always know that she was once—however briefly—a mother.
Since 1973, men can ignore their role, get out of marriage, have all the sex they want, and go on living, financially free, out of sight, out of mind, moving on to the next woman.

That is not feminism. That is not empowering women.
Women need to be done with that deception and playing the fool.
Women deserve love and commitment that represents God’s best.
Peter reminds us to “Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil;” (1 Peter 2:16).
The Series on Roe v. Wade includes:
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