National Repentance- Forsaking Freedom

Lord, we remember Your actions in the creation of the United States of America. How You gave us founding fathers who inscribed their uncommon wisdom into our Constitution, wisdom You gave to keep people in our nation free from tyranny. You preserved us through the Revolutionary War at the cost of countless lives because those dedicated to the cause of freedom thought more about the future, trusting in eternal life with You, than about their very lives here on earth. We thank You for their sacrifice and ask that You would receive our repentance as a living sacrifice in our day.
We repent that we have considered freedom too cheaply.
We have forgotten the cost because many of us never had to bear any of it.
As we stand upon the precipice of losing our freedoms as have so many other nations before us, we repent that we have not fought harder to keep what You gave us in creating us to be free people.
We repent of being willing slaves to the world instead of free men and women who love You and serve You only.
Hear our cry, O Lord. Be merciful to us for You are a God of mercy. Amen.
We will return to Good News Worth Sharing
after this interlude of national confession and repentance.
God laid this upon my heart for a world in desperate need of repentance.
Like the Israelites of Nehemiah’s day, we must return to God,
confess our sins both individual and community,
and be willing to fall upon His mercy because He is a merciful God.
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