Move on and Grow Up
Between now and our upcoming Lenten Devotional Series “Revelation in 40” we are looking at New Year resolutions from the Book of Hebrews. It’s February now and most people have long forgotten their resolutions.

Not me because ours come from Scripture and are timeless: Pay Careful Attention. Fix Your Eyes on Jesus. Don’t Harden Your Heart. Don’t Give Up. Finish Well. Embrace the Promise of God’s rest by faith and obedience. Approach the throne of grace with Confidence and now Move on and Grow Up.
Sounds kind of harsh, yes? But no one should want to remain immature. We remain immature when we refuse to learn what will bring us to maturity.
Hebrews 6:1 Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity.
I recently celebrated a birthday and one of my grandsons chirped out “Happy Birthday!” Since he frequently talks about how he’ll be when he gets older, I replied, “Why thank you! Do I look a year older?” He beamed and shouted out an enthusiastic “YES!” Children say the darndest things.
Questions for today:
As time goes on, are you growing in Christ?
Is it visible to those who see you and know you?
In a spiritual sense, are you still content eating from the children’s table or off the kiddie menu?
What types of things can you resolve today to grow in Christlikeness and experience more of Jesus?
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