More Positive Lessons from Coronavirus-Getting Personal
The coronavirus has been teaching us many positive concepts. In the last installment, we began seeing lessons for those desiring to live as God’s people in a free society. Two kingdoms, both of which matter.
Today we’ll get personal, asking “How now shall I live?” and seeing its application for each man or woman personally. Not in a selfish way. Just a personal application.
“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” (Galatians 5:13-14)

Storms of life turn our thoughts inward and we discover who we are and who God is. In Mark 4:35-41 Jesus sends the disciples into the storm. They just didn’t know it. Just as Jesus knew He could calm the storm, He knew precisely what He was sending the disciples into and He knew why. We see that same situation in Matthew 14:22-33. Jesus made them get into the boat so that after they were rescued, they’d have a more defined view of God and comfort in future storms.
Do you see Jesus in the storm or in the pandemic?
Many of these personal lessons remind us that we can live as free people,
but to love our neighbors as ourselves.
On a personal level:
- Saving money for a rainy day is good self-preservation and wise stewardship.
- Routine preparation with supplies is helpful to avoid panic-hoarding in an emergency.
- Storing treasure in heaven is more reliable than storing anything up on earth.
- I can depend on things or on God who provides the things I need.
- I can buy only what I need for now. Hoarding is not a trait of faithful people and deprives others of what they need.
- Jesus sends us into the very storms that He controls to grow/purify our faith and teach us humility.
- I can learn to ask for and receive help from those who are wanting to help.
- God has responsibility but so do we. Our responsibility is to look to Him and not at the storm.
- For one’s own sanity, it’s helpful to maintain as normal a life as possible, in spite of executive orders.
- Freedom from tyranny is very important, but it’s balanced by using my/our freedom for good.
- Fear crouches at my/your door. I/we must master it. Perfect love drives out fear.
- Love God, love family, love others…and love self. In that order.
- Going negative in one’s speech reaps bitter fruit. Being an optimist or encourager never leaves one looking mean, rude, or ungrateful.
- We can be part of the solution or dwell in the problem. It starts with the man in the mirror. What will I do?
- There are things about this virus we don’t know and if it were known, perhaps I’d be more understanding and patient.
- I can be thankful for people whose work is often underappreciated. Health care professionals, truckers, farmers, people who stock shelves, etc.
- This time of quarantine has been bad on many levels, but it has reminded me of the value and love of work.
- It has deprived me of interaction with some people, teaching me the value of partnership and how to creatively maintain those relationships.
- It has provided valuable extra time with other people. It’s time to cherish because we’ll never get it back.
- The family—a God-given institution–is instrumental in setting forth values that last a lifetime.
- Having children at home also reminds us that public education is a great convenience for parents, particularly working parents. We can be thankful for our teachers.
- Public education on values, however, is only as good as the godliness of individual teachers.
- Teachers don’t want to be responsible for raising anyone’s children as de facto parents. They want to educate… face-to-face. The virus has reminded me of both.
- Train a child in the way he/she should go is good advice for parents. How a parent lives will be mirrored in the lives of one’s children.
- The minds of children are precious and never return to blank slates.
- I want to remember the lessons of preventing the spread of any germ.
- Once this is over and everything is back to normal, my tendency will be to forget the lessons. I can find ways to memorialize this. I must remember lessons learned.
Saint Augustine of Hippo is reported to have said, “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” It sums up personal lessons of coronavirus. Join me next time for coronavirus lessons for society, living in community.
The first 20 (of this non-exhaustive list) are outlined at
To be continued….
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