Living Stones
To Jesus who is the living Stone, God’s Chosen and Precious Cornerstone, His view is that the Church and its faithful are not just a jar of identical marbles. Each man, woman, and child is individual–and is as individual as each person’s decision to follow Christ. This fact is proven by unique gifting from the Holy Spirit. No two of us are identical.
Scripture tells us that Jesus is the living Stone in the example par excellence. We, as His fellow brothers and sisters in the fully human sense—children in the family of God, are chips off the old block. We are like Him and “like” living stones—not bricks, not blocks, not Legos.
1 Peter 2:4 As you come to him, the living Stone– rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him– 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house.

Imagine a house so alive that its walls breathe and wriggle in the joy of the Lord. Tremors of excitement shake it like Jell-O, yet unmovable it its Christ-alignment as each new believer is fitted into this organic structure which ripples from the immovable Cornerstone. The Church is miraculous in its spiritual sense. No wonder the angels sing.
The Church is truly organic—growing more substantial, developing to maturity, and bearing fruit to the glory of God. Each person is uniquely gifted to do his part in this fruitful enterprise.
Have you decided to follow Christ, repenting of past sin, and are you ready to be built into this living Church?
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