Life and Freedom: As Old as Eden
Christians, such as I, see that we’re living in a New Covenant world. One of grace, freedom, love, obedience to Christ, and proclamation of the Gospel. They are all facets of the New Covenant world.
This New Covenant world has deep roots before the Old Covenant
and even back to Eden
when God gave Adam and Eve both life…and choice.

“And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Genesis 2:16-17)
Do you see? It’s right there. Life and freedom. They are both God-given and held in near equal regard by Him. God surely knew that with Freedom, some would not choose what brings Life. Adam and Eve did not. Importantly, God resolved the challenge of Life and Freedom–not by stripping Freedom to promote Life–but by sending Christ to die for our sins and give us Life eternal. That’s the New Covenant world in which we live.
Today’s principle is that God honors both Life and Freedom. He gave both in the beginning. Because He honors both, these are the ground rules from which we derive informed, biblical understanding of events and issues the Bible does not specifically address.
There is no simplistic world in which Roe is overturned and everyone moves on, but we can start with an informed baseline. Thank you for continuing to bear with me as God has laid this divisive topic on my heart and I am called to speak peace.
The Series on Roe v. Wade includes:
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