Joined Together in Unity

The enduring tribe of Judah would be joined with what are often considered the “lost tribes.”  Carried into exile and perceived as lost among the nations, absorbed, assimilated, and extinct as a people group?  God says, “Nope. Still a people to Me.”

God Himself gathers and brings together. 

Just as Joseph was thought dead to his brothers and father, only to be restored to them, so too, the faithful from the “lost tribes” will be restored as the remnant plucked bit by bit out of the nations to which they’d gone.  

We don’t have to figure out who they are. All we have to do is trust God with His clearly stated Word. God knows who they are and where they are.  God gathers.  God brings together.  God joins in unity.

Categories Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on September 1, 2024

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