Happy Easter 2024

Born again with new eyes, we can now see the incomparable and infinite Love of God Almighty while we were still sinners. And He loved us to His death because we were still sinners!
Divine Love from our Eternal God, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, His Love has been for us since before us.
He is Risen and conquered Death by rising alive from the grave! The tomb is empty!
Death is empty-handed. The devil ain’t got nuthin’ on us. He ain’t got nuthin’ … at all. No amount of pretend holidays and stolen rainbows changes that. Christians still look for Jesus, witness to an empty tomb, and know He has Risen! Hallelujah!
“Do not be afraid… you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.
He is not here;
He has risen, just as He said.”
(Matthew 28:5-6)
Are you looking for Jesus? In a world of evil that seems to be taunting God to display His wrath, are you remaining steadfast, looking for your Savior? Jesus paid it all! By faith in Him, though we may die the first death as He did, it’s only a physical death that takes us from this world. He is Risen! And by faith in Him, so shall we.
The second death still lurks out there because sin is still out there flaunting itself, proclaiming itself, and ushering in the wrath of God. The second death is an eternal death, an everlasting death in the lake of fire. That is the death the devil delights in the most because that death that lasts forever and separates us from our Creator. A great many people are taunting God on His holiest of days and will deserve every minute of eternal damnation. Infidels know no shame!
But God is greater, and His Love saved us from that second death, the everlasting death, and dying endlessly, over and over eternally. The second death forever with the infidels is what God saved us from by Jesus’ Incarnation, Death, and Resurrection!
Praise the Lord! He is Risen! He is Risen, indeed!
Happy Easter, everyone!
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