Christmas Day 2021
Christ is born!

No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known. (John 1:18)
The Interludes we’ve seen in our devotional series have included Sanctuary of God’s Presence. (As sinners, we couldn’t be with God until God was with us!) We had no Royal Line remaining (until the One born King of the Jews!) There was no Priesthood to mediate between us and God (until Christ came to intercede on our behalf!) There was no longer a Sacrificial System (until the perfect Lamb of God ended that and made us pure once and for all by His blood). There was a Temple destroyed, (but He rebuilt it in 3 days as His body, and His Holy Spirit now dwells in Christians by faith, and we become a temple built by God)! Better yet, at His second Advent (when He returns), He will be our Temple.
Each Interlude left an awful silence. But then, Christ was born and angels sing!
Christmas was far more than just a baby in a manger
and a handful of worshipers.
His birth was an eternal superlative,
an event never to be repeated,
and the world would never be the same!
Questions for further thought:
If Jesus is just a Savior and not your Lord, Christmas is just a party. He came as Lord and to be Lord in your life. To give you life in Him. Do you obey Him as Lord?
If Interludes provide transition, pause, reflection, time, recalibration, refocus, seeing the bigger picture without distractions of rapid action; if they create momentum, give us time for connecting thematic dots to advance the story; if they deepen our understanding as preparation for the final stretch to the climax, then we can marvel in their being a periscope to the spiritual realm, anchored in the past, fulfilled in the present. They are a telescope to the future and a microscope for detail. God’s eternal view proceeds in its unpredictable manner and no man’s logic can search it out.
What have these Interludes meant to you?
This concludes our Interlude devotional series. Thank you for being with me and I wish you a truly Merry Christmas!
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