The Overcurrent (audio version)

There’s an overcurrent above the heavens known only to God and it produces an undercurrent of faith and hope–invisible in the human heart–yet on full display in a faithful Christian’s life.    

October 27, 2015 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Can I Get a Witness? (sermon text version)

Can I get a witness? If there’s one big lesson from today’s message it would be this: Be prepared so that when God asks you “Can I get a witness?” your answer can be a resounding “Yes”! Can I get a witness?  The answer in today’s passage (Acts 22:30-23:11) would be three-fold: “Apparently not, Yes, […]

October 21, 2015 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Can I Get a Witness? (audio version)

“Can I get a witness?”  In Acts 23, Paul would have to be his own witness.  The high priest and the Sanhedrin would get more than they’d bargained for. Some commentators, in fact quite a consensus, think we’re seeing a rare glimpse of Paul’s sinful humanity and an apology to the high priest.  I think not.  Paul […]

October 21, 2015 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Update on SeminaryGal

Dear friends and subscribers, I wanted to let you know that I will resume normal posting beginning tomorrow.  Over the past 10 days, my web site experienced a security issue which resulted in my web site being blacklisted by Google.  Ours is unfortunately a day and age of malicious hacking.  I want to apologize if […]

October 20, 2015 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Incarnation (2015 Advent Devotional Series)

The entire series is available in the archives (right) beginning November 29, 2015. Announcing this year’s Seminary Gal Advent devotional series:  Incarnation. Have you ever wondered exactly what the Incarnation is and why God did it? In a series of 26 lessons, we will explore this most important event in Christian theology.  If there are […]

October 13, 2015 in Articles and Devotionals, Chapel Worship/News, Devotionals by

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Mistaken Identity-text version

Sorry for the repost on this.  My web site has been experiencing technical difficulties and I needed to restore to an earlier version that was missing this post. I’m away from the pulpit again this week as I continue to prepare the good folks in the congregation at Plymouth Church for my departure at the […]

October 13, 2015 in Chapel Worship/News, Devotionals by

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Paul the Roman Citizen (audio version)

Has America been doing through complacency & legislation, what ISIS has been doing with bombs & beheadings? Paul shows how to be a citizen of both earth & heaven.  It’s a tough one, but using the THINK before ACTING strategy described here and asking what history will look like if we fail to act properly, each […]

October 12, 2015 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Paul the Roman Citizen (sermon text version)

History is in the process of being rewritten all over our planet. Artifacts destroyed. Landmarks bombed. Books burned. Events are being rewritten whether Columbus or Creation. Whether the Jewish Holocaust or Soviet expansion. History—without landmarks and without accurate retelling—risks becoming a thing like mythology for people to pass off as nothing. Truth–and the freedom it […]

October 12, 2015 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Arrested Development-sermon text version

Today’s passage is Acts 21:27-36 and it’ll help us to see the bigger picture by reading it and then going back to talk about this Arrested Development. Acts 21:27 When the seven days were nearly over, some Jews from the province of Asia saw Paul at the temple. They stirred up the whole crowd and […]

September 30, 2015 in Chapel Worship/News by

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Arrested Development-audio version

In Acts 21:27-36, there is a development.  Paul is arrested on the same charges he’d made against Stephen before Paul saw the Light.  Far from arrested development, the message would go on through the Apostle Paul’s prison letters.

September 30, 2015 in Chapel Worship/News by

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