It is Finished (Lent 39, 2023)
In the words of Eugene Peterson, perseverance is a long obedience in the same direction. Jesus knew it by living it. He persevered until the very end.

After fulfilling the very last of Scripture needing fulfillment by drinking vinegar from a sponge (one last act of kindness from some anonymous person to our dying Savior) Jesus said, “It is finished!” (John 19:30).
Focus for Lent: The 33-year ministry of our Lord Jesus reached its end in earthly form.
Questions for further thought:
How does Jesus’ ministry continue? What role does discipleship play?
They were real people who were at the foot of the Cross on which our Savior died. They heard His last words. They saw how He died. Yet, Scripture keeps almost all of them anonymous. In what way did they perform this following Scripture? “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? (Matthew 25:37).
On the Holy Week calendar, Maundy Thursday was the night of the Last Supper (when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples in an act of humility and service). On Good Friday at the Cross, someone served Him. That person didn’t know He would rise from the dead as Messiah. To that person with the sponge, maybe Jesus was just another being crucified, no one special, yet that person served anyway. In what way did that person display the Image of God?
Prayer: Lord, help me to be a compassionate and loving person at all times, not just when there’s something in it for me. Help me to neither seek fame nor attention. The temptation is great to want to be known for what we do, to go viral or have many followers. I ask for Your help in resisting that. May I be content with Your awareness and knowledge alone. That the good things I do quietly and in secret will be rewarded by You someday. It’s an act of faith to persevere when we cannot see the fruit or know the outcome. It’s an act of trust that whatever small good we bring, when it’s given to You, multiplication of what is good is what You do. Give me the kind of servant’s heart that knows Your pleasure and is well-content with that. Thank You Lord for showing the way. I love you, Lord Jesus. Amen.
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