Election Day, a Fate Sealed?

While everyone has their “eye of Sauron” fixated on the Supreme Court with Roe v. Wade, they have totally lost sight of Rostker v. Goldberg  and how the government can, in fact, tell women what to do with their bodies. Until now, a balanced Court has affirmed that it is lawful to require 18-25 year old men (both citizens and immigrant non-citizens) to register for Selective Service in accordance with the MSSA (Military Selective Service Act), with women still exempt. What will be the fate of decisions like Rostker v. Goldberg? Unlike Roe v. Wade which would go back to the individual States and frankly, leave legalized abortion largely unchanged from its present status, Rostker v. Goldberg is entirely within the federal government’s province and its fate is in the balance.

Don’t you think that the issue at least deserved to be raised during the election season regarding a woman as Commander-in-Chief, especially since she is also a candidate wanting to put women’s equality issues advocates on the Supreme Court?

a-fate-sealed-asks-priscillaIf we have a woman as Commander-in-Chief… and we already have women in combat (December 3, 2015), the reasoning behind the Rostker decision is changing. The MSSA was reinstated by President Carter after President Nixon used executive order to abolish the draft.

Why did President Carter do it?

Because the Soviet Union had invaded Afghanistan and he didn’t want the US to be caught without enough soldiers should volunteerism prove to be insufficient.

To anyone willing to pooh-pooh the fate of women conscripted for military service, just tell that to Norway which just mandated it (August 25, 2016). And why? Because of equality for women.

The Supreme Court is an important issue since Rostker v. Goldberg, like Roe v. Wade, was a split decision. The progressive members of the court dissented and, like President Carter, wanted to open MSSA to women. Yes, the fate of the Courts is, and ought to be, an important consideration.  While those fixated on a woman’s reproduction are using fear and panic to drive the women’s vote, maybe a little truth ought to tell these delicate little flowers who are afraid of bad words on campus what women’s equality really looks like.  It may be a foxhole.

To those thinking deeply about the fate of America like Priscilla, A Conversation  continues:

PRISCILLA:  “Any Biblical insight would be appreciated. I feel like America will seal its fate on election day….and I still don’t feel confident about who to vote for. It seems like the “western” world: Europe, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia is slowly crumbling.”

ANSWER:  Yes, it does seem that way. The basic flow recently has been from Christianity’s truth declining to secular relativism to Islam’s insurgence/infiltration. That is why Europe is waking up a little too late from their romantic naiveté. May it not be for us. Ultimately this is a spiritual thing and why my goal has been to frame this entire election in spiritual terms and in Christian truth…


Much of the media spin is making people think Trump’s ego is out of this world (when if you read a 2006 article about Tara Conner, former Miss USA, he’s certainly no tyrant, but a man who cherishes 2nd chances for others). For anyone to run for president, they have to have a healthy ego in order to survive…Really rather sad how much we’re being steered…and played, really.

But, like you, I’m reassured to know that even when Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, God preserved them and even fulfilled Scripture through it! Genesis 50:20 “And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” Yeah, God is pretty amazing! 🙂

After the election, there will be many hurting people. So many people are burdened for America. They deeply desire a course correction from where America has been headed in the past 20 years and they’ve invested their hearts and hope. It’s not just nostalgia. It’s love for a way of life we call America and the cuts have been deep during this election season.


The conversation continues…

Categories Articles, Articles and Devotionals | Tags: | Posted on October 25, 2016

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