ARCHIVE October, 2016

Meekness: The Measure of a Man

Ponder today: the Tiny Virtue of Meekness, touching the heart, infusing the mind, and residing in the will Bible character of the day: Moses (Exodus 3)

October 12, 2016 in Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals by

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Discernment, O Christian

I’ve gotta tell you: I am so thoroughly disgusted with Christians right now. Politics have a nasty way of revealing who doesn’t get Christianity and what it’s really about… at all. And worse, perhaps for Christians is that it’s revealing it…to God…and visible to genuine Christians even if the ones being sifted are blind themselves to […]

October 11, 2016 in Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals by

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Boldness: The Missing Virtue We Still Need

It takes guts to stand up to powerful people and the institutions they operate. It requires boldness. But most people don’t want to face the criticism they’ll receive for resisting the powerful. If you’ve never tried to stand up to a powerful force for evil and taken a beating for it, boldness might seem like a […]

October 10, 2016 in Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals by

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Tenacity as a Tiny Virtue

There’s a common tale about pit bulls, that they have special jaws that grab and lock their prey. In truth their jaws are not different in structure at all from any other dog. It’s the pit bull’s personality where the grab and lock occurs. It’s a hard-wired tenacity that is part of the breed. Tenacity […]

October 7, 2016 in Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals by

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Perseverance Versus Never Giving Up

Nobody likes a quitter. How often do we hear stuff like that? Perseverance is more than just not quitting. It’s more than just enduring something which can be sedentary and require no effort of the will. There’s an unmistakable action associated with perseverance. It’s a choice of the will to keep on, keepin’ on…even when […]

October 3, 2016 in Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals by

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Courage, a Virtue of Faith in Action

Among the Tiny Virtues for Exemplary Christian Living, we now transition from the heart virtues, the mind virtues and ones in our character to those residing in the human will. These are what I think of as cluster virtues because they touch our hearts and minds, contribute to our character, but they reside in the […]

October 1, 2016 in Articles and Devotionals, Devotionals by

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